Biden Warns of Using AR-15s for Home Defense in Odd MSNBC Appearance: ‘It Can Kill Your Kid in the Bedroom’

Joe Biden Bashes the NRA and Gun Control Opponents on MSNBC, Warns of AR 15 | Gun Control
Joe Biden Bashes the NRA and Gun Control Opponents on MSNBC, Warns of AR 15 | Gun Control

Photo Credit: MSNBC

Vice President Joe Biden, known for making some controversial statements about guns in the past, appeared on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" where he, once again, hit back at those who oppose the Obama administration's gun control measures.

Taking part in a round-table, Biden decried Second Amendment enthusiasts who, in his view, are spreading "disinformation" and "paranoia."

Naturally, the NRA was among those the politician spoke out against. He even went as far as to claim that some gun owners simply enjoy owning weapons merely because they like how a firearm "feels" in their hands (he likened it to "driving a Ferrari" for these enthusiasts), Mediaite reports.

"This is one of the cases where the public is so far ahead of the elected officials, I mean so far ahead," the vice-president proclaimed. "You saw it in immigration, you saw it in marriage issues, you're seeing it now. The public has moved to a different place."

Biden went on to claim that there are certain weapons and bullets that can legally be restricted and he dismissed fears coming from many Americans who believe that the administration's policies overstep constitutional bounds.

"There is a paranoia out there," the politician said. "The facts are, there's not a single solitary thing that we have proposed...this argument that there's absolutely any constitutional violation is absolutely not there."

Of course, Biden's comments about gun owners who simply "like the feel of that AR-15? will likely draw the most ire from some.

"There is a whole new sort of group of individuals now...that never hunt at all. But they own guns for one of two reasons -- self-protection, or they just like the feel of that AR-15 at the range," he said. "They like the way it feels. It's like driving a Ferrari, you know."

Watch the segment, below:

Biden also made some other comments about AR-15s, particularly noting how dangerous he believes they are. CNS News explains:

Responding to critics who ridicule his insistence that shotguns are the best home defense weapon Vice President Joe Biden warned MSNBC's Morning Joe of what he perceived as the dangers of using an AR-15 for home defense.

The Vice President's concerns focused mostly on the idea that a round fired from an AR-15 may penetrate through a wall and hit a child in their bedroom. He insisted that would not happened using a shotgun.

"You know, they make fun of my saying about use a shotgun if someone's invading your home - guess what, use a shotgun on someone invading your home and you don't kill your kids - use an AR-15, it goes through your wall and it can kill your kid in the bedroom" Biden said.

Biden made no mention of self-defense ammunition designed for the AR-15 in order to prevent wall penetration.

See this comment, below:

Also, there's the portion of the interview during which Biden commends host Joe Scarborough and NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg for their comments and actions concerning gun control.

"You have changed the debate in America," Biden told Scarborough. "The two guys who deserve an award, if anything gets done around here, is you and Michael Bloomberg."

And here's a longer portion of Biden's MSNBC appearance:

(H/T: Mediaite)


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