The Big, Bad Thanksgiving Full Moon—Will You Survive Seconds?

We have much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving, and they all begin with F: friends, family, food and a full moon in Gemini peaking at midnightthat night. Yikes.

Full moons are bad, right?
Full moons are stressful events, astrologically speaking. They close out the lunar month, bringing to a head any issues that have been bubbling up over the last 30 days or so. So, they aren’t bad—they are healthy and necessary—but they test us.

This month’s full moon is so extra because it’s opposed by Jupiter, planet of luck and ambitions. When he’s facing off against our emotions (the moon), it can feel like nothing we want is attainable (like old-school cranberry sauce from a can instead of whatever homemade mess Aunt Sarah brought to Sidesgiving). Add that to the fact that­—surprise, surprise—Mercury is in retrograde, and it can feel like we’re in a Sisyphean nightmare.

Who is getting it the worst?
Geminis and Sagittariuses will feel the impact of this full moon the most, not only because the full moon is happening in Gemini (with Jupiter and the sun in opposition in Sagittarius), but because these are the two chattiest signs in the zodiac. With so much cosmic tension and Mercury in retrograde, someone is bound to say something that offends someone. Or spills tea that was meant for one person, not the 14-person group thread…

What can we do to save ourselves?
This full moon is happening in the sign of communication, so try to be as patient and honest as possible leading up to Thursday. You can’t guarantee that you won’t be misunderstood, but you can try to give everyone around you a lot of leeway. After all, they have to the deal with the moon and Mercury, too. 

Kiki O’Keeffe is an astrology writer in Brooklyn, New York. You can sign up for her newsletter, I dont believe in astrology, or follow her Twitter @alexkiki.

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