Big black bear pays annual visit to South Kingstown bird feeder, growls at woman through door

SOUTH KINGSTOWN — Ellen Jones heard something at the back door, pulled aside the curtain and saw a bear standing on his hind legs at the screen.

He showed his teeth and growled.

She called to her husband. "Honey, I think you need to be here. There's a bear at the back door."

"'Why don't you invite him in? Maybe he wants a cup of coffee.' He thought I was kidding."

The black bear spotted in South Kingstown on Sunday night.
The black bear spotted in South Kingstown on Sunday night.

This year they mounted a camera

This is the third year Ellen and Paul Jones have seen a bear in their yard. This year they had a mounted, motion-sensitive camera ready.

The bear visits only once a year. This year their feeder was on a 72-inch pole, and he was taller, they said. He bent the pole at its base.

A state wildlife staffer had told them to take bird feeders down at the end of April.

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Bird seed is 'a bear no-no.'

David Kalb, the supervising wildlife biologist at the R.I Department of Environmental Management's Division of Fish & Wildlife, called eating bird seed "a bear no-no."

He said the bear looked like an adult male black bear, of average size, probably over 250 pounds. "Bears enter and leave their winter torpor based on food resource availability. More food will lead them to go down late and come out early but generally mid-April is about right for emergence.

He guessed that the bear lives in Rhode Island and said this was the first report of a bear being out this spring.

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Walking RI: Best place for a hike and osprey spotting? Try the Great Swamp in South Kingstown

This article originally appeared on The Providence Journal: 6-foot black bear emerges from hibernation returns to same RI house