Big Dog constellation appears to be standing up in Pocono sky | Looking Up

As we head into the New Year 2023, the next clear evening notice how some of the constellations seem to be standing up to applaud.

"What in the world is he talking about?" I can imagine readers thinking. Around 8:30 p.m. as December ends and January begins is a good time to look out and see what I mean. Of course, you'll need to be able to trace the constellations, since the friendly star patterns we come to love our made up of imaginative pictures, lines we decide to make, connecting stars in a certain way.

You'll also need a low view to the horizon for this. How many of adore a friendly dog standing up on its hind legs? As if told to "beg," Canis Major the Big Dog is doing just that as the constellation rises low in the east. Look low in the southeast.

More Looking Up:How to see Mars in the Pocono sky this December

The Big Dog's brightest star, Sirius, is easily imagined as the dog's gem-studded collar. The blue-white star is the brightest star of the night.

Although seen so low in the sky where the atmosphere is most murky and possibly light polluted, Sirius still stands out. The other stars are better seen as the constellation gets higher; the three dim stars marking his head are to the left of Sirius at this orientation; the star marking his front paws is at right; his body is almost perpendicular with the horizon (depending on your latitude). Binoculars help to bring out the dimmer stars.

This star chart is turned to show about how Canis Major the Big Dog appears to be standing up as it rises low in the southeastern sky. Look around 8:30 p.m. in late December/early January. The brightest star in the night sky, Sirius is also among the closest, 8.2 light years from Earth.
This star chart is turned to show about how Canis Major the Big Dog appears to be standing up as it rises low in the southeastern sky. Look around 8:30 p.m. in late December/early January. The brightest star in the night sky, Sirius is also among the closest, 8.2 light years from Earth.

Low in the northwest, the "Northern Cross", an asterism pattern with Cygnus the Swan, appears to be standing upright, like you'd expect to see a cross on a church steeple.

Face north-northeast; around this time, the Big Dipper appears to be balancing on its handle, the tip star known as Alkaid. The bowl of the Dipper is on top.

Harder to see very low in the east are the "heads" of the constellations Leo the Lion and Hydra the Serpent, rising "head first." Looking low in the west-southwest, the pattern of Aquarius the Water Bearer is setting, feet first.

Again, it's hard to see the dimmer stars low in the sky, especially given the Moon is bright. On New Year's Eve the Moon is a day past First Quarter on its way to Full phase on January 6.

Looking low in the north around 8:30 p.m. in late December/early January, see how the Big Dipper seems to be standing on its handle. In the northwest, Cygnus the Swan is setting, its "Northern Cross" pattern oriented straight up as if on a steeple.
Looking low in the north around 8:30 p.m. in late December/early January, see how the Big Dipper seems to be standing on its handle. In the northwest, Cygnus the Swan is setting, its "Northern Cross" pattern oriented straight up as if on a steeple.
Orion the Hunter shines bright in the southeast on late December/early January evenings. Orion is highest in the south at around 10 p.m. Not shown here, bright red Mars is currently situated to the upper right of Aldebaran. Both Aldebaran and Betelgeuse are bright red-supergiant stars.
Orion the Hunter shines bright in the southeast on late December/early January evenings. Orion is highest in the south at around 10 p.m. Not shown here, bright red Mars is currently situated to the upper right of Aldebaran. Both Aldebaran and Betelgeuse are bright red-supergiant stars.

Much more convenient to see and still easy with the moonlight, are the bright stars of Orion the Hunter in the southeast, to the upper right of Sirius.

Above Orion, look for the bright red-orange star Aldebaran, and the even brighter rusty-red Mars right above it.

Compare them with bright red-orange Betelgeuse to the fiery shoulder star in Orion, on the left (towards the east). The bright white star Rigel marks Orion’ foot at right (towards the west). Very high up at this hour is the bright yellow star Capella. To the upper left or Sirius is the bright yellow star Procyon.

Jupiter shines brilliant and white, high in the southwest at around 8:30 p.m.

Bundled up against the winter chill, let's get out even for a few minutes and enjoy the stars this season.

Keep looking up at the stars!

This article originally appeared on Tri-County Independent: Looking Up: What stars can you see in the Pocono sky?