Biker with 'naughty boy' plate mocked by police after 130mph chase

The rider was spotted with the "ironic" and illegal registration plate as he rode through Bolton, Greater Manchester, in the early hours of Monday morning.

A biker with the number plate 'Naughty Boy' led police in a high-speed chase through Salford, Greater Manchester. (SWNS)
A biker with the number plate 'Naughty Boy' led police in a high-speed chase through Bolton, Greater Manchester. (SWNS)

A biker with a number plate reading "naughty boy" was arrested for firearms offences after leading police on a 130mph chase through busy roads.

The rider was spotted with the "ironic" and illegal registration plate as he rode through Bolton, Greater Manchester, in the early hours of Monday morning.

But when police tried to stop him, he sped off towards Salford, hitting speeds of 130mph in a bid to escape.

The rider was tracked by a police helicopter and eventually brought to a stop when motorway patrol officers used a "stinger" device. He was arrested on suspicion of multiple offences.

The rider was eventually brought to a halt and arrested after motorway patrol officers deployed a stinger. (SWNS)
The rider was eventually brought to a halt and arrested after motorway patrol officers deployed a stinger. (SWNS)

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They included dangerous driving and firearms offences, police said.

GMP Traffic tweeted: "Bike failed to stop for RPU (road policing unit) in Bolton and turned into a 130mph pursuit towards Salford.

"Bike attempted to head back to Bolton where NPAS (National Police Air Service) picked it up just as it was stung by a Motorway Patrol."

"Driver arrested Dangerous Drive and SEC5 Firearms offences. The bikes vrm was ironic!!"

In response to one Twitter user asking if the VRM would now be cancelled by the DVLA, police said the plate was "a fake" that the rider had made up - adding to the charges he would face.

It wrote: "The vrm plate on the bike is a fake that the rider had made up himself. The original DVLA registration for the bike was not displayed.

"It was just one of a very long list of charges that he'll be in court with later on today."