Biking from New Glarus to Monroe, all for the glory of Limburger cheese

The Badger State Trail between New Glarus and Monroe offers stunning, sweeping vistas of southern Wisconsin.
The Badger State Trail between New Glarus and Monroe offers stunning, sweeping vistas of southern Wisconsin.

MONROE - We were only a few miles from our destination — and lunch — in downtown Monroe when we came upon the orange construction fence blocking the Badger State Trail.

Warning signs posted by the state Department of Natural Resources officially announced that a bridge was out, and continuing on would be illegal. There was a lively discussion about what to do.

Five of us were riding our bikes that recent late summer Saturday: Jennifer Moore and Mark Nicklawske from Duluth, Minnesota; Bob Dohr from Milwaukee's Lake Country; Dave Paulsen from Wauwatosa; and me, traveling into Wisconsin's deep south from Wausau. These people comprise the majority of my closest friends on the planet.

Because they know me well, and I them, they jumped on board months ago when I came up with a brilliant plan for a bike ride and cheese tasting. Through a string of unlikely events and haphazard research, I learned Monroe is the site of the Chalet Cheese Cooperative, the only factory in the United States that produces Limburger cheese.

Our bike-riding group included, from left, Dave Paulsen, Jen Moore, Mark Nicklawske and Bob Dohr.
Our bike-riding group included, from left, Dave Paulsen, Jen Moore, Mark Nicklawske and Bob Dohr.

Maybe you don't know about Limburger. It is a cheese with a reputation for having an extremely unappetizing smell — like old wet sneakers, to my nose. I figure that something that smells so bad, yet has survived hundreds of years as a food, must have an appeal to it. I wanted to find out what that appeal was. And my research told me that Baumgartner's Cheese Store and Tavern, which claims to be Wisconsin's oldest cheese store, was the place to do it.

At the same time, I knew that Green County, where Monroe lies, is one of the best places in the state for riding a bicycle. If there's anything I love more than cheese, it's bike riding, so I got crazy excited as a flash of inspiration struck: Wouldn't it be great to pedal from New Glarus (an utterly charming and fun town on its own!) to Monroe for a Limburger sandwich? (My research told me the best way to eat Limburger is between two slices of rye bread with a slice of red onion.)

This ride would be completely on off-road bike/ped trails, the Sugar River State Trail and the Badger State Trail, a round trip of anywhere from 32 to 38 miles depending on the electronics used to measure it. These trails are on old railroad grades, so there would be negligible inclines and mostly shady riding. And it was! We rolled steadily along at a conversational pace.

Dave Paulsen, Keith Uhlig and Mark Nicklawske take a short break on the way to Monroe from New Glarus, on the Badger State Trail.
Dave Paulsen, Keith Uhlig and Mark Nicklawske take a short break on the way to Monroe from New Glarus, on the Badger State Trail.

Until, of course, we hit that DNR barrier. The signs were stern. If we did skirt around the barrier, we would be subject to fines.

It came to no surprise to me that the scofflaws of the group (I'm not going to name them to protect the guilty) immediately and forcefully argued to carry on and use the trail, legal restrictions be darned. Indeed, there was a well-worn trail of trampled grass around the fence.

But we didn't know why the bridge was out. We had been riding for a couple of hours by this time. I, at least, was hungry, hot and sticky from sweat. I did not cotton to fording a river, and I was eager, to the point of desperation, to eat lunch.

The other side of the argument was that the DNR put those signs up for a reason, and ignoring them would not only be a moral lapse but put our collective safety at risk. I was ready to turn around for a certain meal at Monticello, a few miles back.

Jen saved the day when she found an alternative route that would not have a lot of traffic and not take us way out of the way. So we took that option, and rolled on.

Baumgartner's in downtown Monroe is the best place to get your Limburger cheese fix.
Baumgartner's in downtown Monroe is the best place to get your Limburger cheese fix.

It quickly became apparent that the trails indeed saved us from steep hills, and the glaciers had not been through the area to soften and ease the hills. We crawled up and careened down a number of inclines. Each one took some of the strength out of my legs and replaced with anxiety. Did I mention that I was hungry?

My anxiety was for naught, though, and it wasn't too long before we could see the Monroe water tower. It didn't take long after that before we rolled into downtown, mingling with Illinois sports cars, mobs of motorcyclists and a couple of UTVs.

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But the folks at Baumgartner's, bless their souls, quickly sat us at a shaded outside table, brought us water and beer for some and soda for others. And shortly after that, drum roll, please ... a Limburger sandwich.

You might be disappointed to learn that it really wasn't that smelly. And while most people would not cycle 30-plus miles for the taste, I would. I mean, it DID have an odor, but maybe being outside blunted it. I'm terrible at describing tastes, but to me it an earthy flavor, like a mild brie, and was a bit creamy. It softened the slice of red onion, and there even was a hint of sweetness to it.

My friends were not so enthusiastic in their endorsement of the Limburger. I can't remember if was Dave or Bob who said, "It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be," which about summed up the general consensus of the group on the cheese.

With the exception of me. I liked the cheese very much; my enthusiasm nearly bordered on love.

I was too hungry to remember to take a photo of the Limburger cheese sandwich before taking several bites. It wasn't as smelly as I expected, and tasted much better.
I was too hungry to remember to take a photo of the Limburger cheese sandwich before taking several bites. It wasn't as smelly as I expected, and tasted much better.

One of my personal cheese theories is that it is a good food for cycling. It is salty, high and protein and dense in calories. This is not a recommendation for everyone, but after eating the Limburger sandwich (plus a very excellent corned beef sandwich, with a slice of mild brick cheese), I felt very good indeed.

And as we rode back to New Glarus, I marveled at my feelings of well being. I will be having cheese curds, found in every convenience store in the state, as an energy booster on future long rides.

Unfortunately, that feeling wasn't shared by all. Jen was tired and said that the cheese most definitely not a good replenishment for a day of pedaling.

She persevered, and still found the cycling to be phenomenal.

That was the unanimous consensus of the group. Riding bikes from New Glarus to Monroe and back gets a 10-out-of-10 rating. Whether you add Limburger to the trip, well, that depends on your tastes and your stomach and your inclination for culinary adventure.

Contact Keith Uhlig at 715-845-0651 or Follow him at @UhligK on Twitter and Instagram or on Facebook.

This article originally appeared on Wausau Daily Herald: Biking Southern Wisconsin for Limburger cheese at Baumgartner's