Bill Would Force Military To Reinstate Those Who Refused COVID Vaccine

POINT PLEASANT, NJ — A U.S. Marine from Point Pleasant who was discharged after refusing to receive the COVID-19 vaccine wants to go back to serving in the military.

A bill introduced last week by Rep. Chris Smith would clear the path for his return, by requiring top-ranking military officials to reinstate members who were forced out over the Biden administration's vaccine mandates.

The bill, H.R. 7570, would require the Secretary of Defense to reinstate any member of the armed forces to the rank and grade they held if their forcible discharge was solely because they refused the COVID-19 vaccine.

It also would prevent the characterization of those dismissals as anything other than honorable, according to the bill, and would prevent the discharged service member from being denied retirement pay and the benefits available to veterans.

Bill Borowsky Jr. of Point Pleasant was forcibly discharged from the U.S. Marine Corps for refusing to get vaccinated, one of hundreds of service members who have been discharged because of the COVID-19 vaccine mandate of the Biden administration.

Nearly 500 Marines had been discharged as of early February, NBC 7 San Diego reported. That report said 95 percent of Marines had been fully vaccinated by then, along with 87 percent of Marine reservists. The Marine Corps had granted only a handful of religious exemptions.

The U.S. Army has discharged hundreds of soldiers over the vaccine refusal, NPR reported. The U.S. Navy was ordered to halt its dismissals due to a Texas judge's ruling regarding sailors seeking religious exemptions to the vaccine, reported.

"My legislation will ensure that our brave men and women in uniform who were unjustly punished because of their personal medical or moral decisions receive the benefits they deserve and have the opportunity to continue serving our great nation," Smith said. "These forced discharges are no way to treat American heroes who sacrifice so much and put their lives on the line to preserve and defend our safety."

"I would like to thank Congressman Smith for hearing the voices that no one else would listen to," Borowsky Jr. said of the bill's introduction. "Not only is he listening, he’s taking action. Thank you Congressman Chris Smith."

"As the dad of a Marine who was separated from his unit because of the Biden vaccination mandate, words cannot describe how grateful I am to Congressman Chris Smith," said Bill Borowsky Sr., a Point Pleasan councilman. "Congressman Smith’s track record on helping our veterans over his many years in office is unmatched. Knowing that he is fighting for my son and all of those in the same situation is both encouraging and comforting."

The bill also would protect service members who do not wish to return to the military by ensuring that their discharge is honorable and securing the GI bill benefits and pensions they are owed for their service to the country.

"No one should lose their jobs or pensions because they do not want the COVID vaccine — especially our courageous service members who step up to defend the very freedoms we enjoy," Smith said.

Bill Would Force Military To Reinstate Those Who Refused COVID Vaccine originally appeared on the Point Pleasant Patch