Bindi Irwin Shares an Adorable Update About Her Daughter With New Photos

Bindi Irwin and her husband, Chandler Powell, welcomed their first child together earlier this year. In the months since baby Grace's arrival, Bindi has shared a few updates, but her recent posts have fans feeling especially mind-blown about how much Grace has grown.

In her caption, Bindi shared that Grace's teeth are already starting to come in—which has made for some sleepless nights for Bindi and Chandler!

"Time on the Steve Irwin Wildlife Reserve is incredibly special. While we’ve been here our beautiful girl has started to show teething signs. Early mornings and not much sleep for any of us. However, this little sunbeam smile makes it all worth it. ☀️"

Fans offered messages of support and advice, including "Carrots...peel a carrot and let her chew on it...breaks those teeth through so fast and it's cold/cool so it feels good on their gums."

Another fan added: "I'm right there with you Bindi. My 4-month-old daughter Julia is teething and it's been rough. You got this."

That update came just days before Grace's 5 month birthday, and to celebrate, Bindi posted yet another adorable photo of her daughter, taken by her younger brother Robert:

"Our Grace Warrior is 5 months old. ❤️ She loves being outside on adventures with us, cuddling up to hear a good story, feeling/grabbing everything around her and giggling. Every day she reminds us of the magic in even the simplest of things."

Fans were quick to comment on how fast time flies, as they wrote messages like "Already?! She’s so big" and "Is she baby Bindi?? My God she looks like you!!!! 😍❤️❤️❤️"

And according to Bindi's caption, Grace already has a little bit of that Bindi adventurous spirit in her! We can't wait for more photos. ❤️

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