Binghamton-area woman will finally visit church she's been 'attending' online — in Ireland

Bonnie Mando’s voice fills with excitement as she talks about travel.

Last week, the Chenango Bridge resident ventured to Buffalo to join classmates for a 60-year reunion of Holy Angels Academy. In early September, she will head to Ireland.

It’s her first visit to her ancestral homeland, and the first time she’ll meet members of a church she’s been attending virtually on since 2020, near the start of the pandemic.

“After almost 24 months of cocooning,” Mando said, “that virtual connection to a vibrant community was essential to my sanity.”

Mando has struck up friendships with many in Sts. Peter and Paul parish in Portlaoise on the other side of the Atlantic.

“In addition to cards and letters, several of the priests, including the pastor, have corresponded by email,” she said.

Back in February, Mando received a brochure from St. Anne’s Retreat and Conference Center, near her Irish parish. Much more at ease with than internet than two-plus years ago, she Googled the place and learned of a week-long retreat in September.

“The need for the retreat was obvious, many months of stress and strain,” Mando said. “Seemed like a perfect opportunity in the lovely heartlands in the midlands of Ireland."

The invite came with the name of a Presentation nun, Sister Gabrille Jin, ”who had just professed vows of poverty, chastity and obedience in a Mass I’d participated in at Sts. Peter and Paul,” Mando said.

In that same week, she received correspondence from three others in the parish. The pastor, Msgr. John Byrne; deacon Eugene Keyes; and organist Louise Kavanaugh all wrote to her. Someone else sent her a picture of the Wicklow Mountains.

Mando said the retreat pamphlet described the same pleasant surroundings. She borrowed a quote from the flyer: “to provide breathing space in your ongoing faith journey, to reflect, refresh and renew.”

She was sold on the retreat and invited a handful of others to join her.

“We are calling our ten-day trip to Ireland a visit to family and friends, although ‘family’ is defined as by choice because we are related by name only," Mando said. "We are also saying it will be a ‘church crawl,’ since we plan to visit the Cathedral in Carlow and several nearby parishes.”

Mando said they're also looking forward to checking out church architecture and spending time with a group of cloistered Poor Clare nuns.

And they hope to visit with the clergy of the parish. “Several of the priests are from different countries, including Romania, China and Poland," Mando said. "Hopefully, we’ll be able to discuss with them their roles as people of faith who’ve been blessed for years in their formation by the witness of Irish missionaries.”

She’s also been in contact with the Bishop Denis McNulty, of the Diocese of Kildare-Leighlin, she thanked him for bringing the Masses from the church in Portlaoise to

“Bishop Denis wrote me, encouraging participation in the Synodal process, which is happening around the world,” she said.

Mando also looks forward to spending time with parishioners at Sts. Peter and Paul. She said they may attend up to three Masses in a day.

For her, it will be a transition from a couple of years in front of a computer screen to in-person attendance.

“I hope to experience a bit of the joy with which the many people who work together to prepare the liturgies,” Mando said. “Hopefully, we’ll be able to say hello to some of the people we’ve worshipped with and still have time to see the scenery in the lovely midlands area.”

But they won’t spend all their time in church or on retreat. Mando expects they’ll also experience “a sprinkling of pub music."

Bonnie Mando

Church: St. Francis of Assisi, Binghamton.

Hometown: Buffalo.

Residence: Chenango Bridge.

Education: Albany College of Pharmacy.

Retired: From Broome Developmental Center.

Volunteers: Workers Center of the Southern Tier, Labor Religion Council and Citizen Action.

Family: Widow, husband died in 2018. Together they volunteered with Maria House Projects in the Erie, Pennsylvania, area.

For more information

St. Peter and Paul’s in Ireland:

Shalom world:

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This article originally appeared on Binghamton Press & Sun-Bulletin: NY woman to travel 3,000 miles to visit her 'virtual' church in Ireland