Birdie emergency? Recognizing avian emergencies from life-threatening to not-so-urgent

Q: How do I know when my bird needs to see the vet? What's considered an emergency?

We hope you're taking your bird to the vet annually for an exam so you can ensure that he stays in good health and catch any underlying problems before they become serious. Beyond that, here's how to recognize avian emergencies, from life-threatening to not-so-urgent.

Get to the vet immediately for bites or deep cuts, bleeding that isn't stopping, burns, poisoning, difficulty breathing, collapse, blood in droppings and straining to defecate or pass an egg.

Don't have an avian veterinarian on call? You can still take your bird to the veterinary ER or to a general practitioner. They might not have avian expertise, but they can stabilize fractures, provide oxygen and other basic supportive care and keep your bird warm, quiet and hydrated until a specialist in birds can be consulted.

Urgent situations should be seen by a veterinarian within a few hours of discovery. They include eye injuries; appetite loss, especially if your bird looks puffed up; sudden swellings; broken bones; diarrhea; direct contact with the saliva of a dog or cat, even if the skin wasn't broken; vocalizing less than normal; sitting on the bottom of the cage; or shivering.

If it's the weekend or in the evening, wait to call your veterinarian for behavior problems, feather-picking, lameness unrelated to an obvious fracture, droppings with an abnormal color and excessive egg-laying.

Bear in mind that birds are the equal of cats when it comes to hiding that they're hurt or not feeling so good. Taking a "wait-and-see" approach is never a good idea, especially when it comes to those urgent and emergency situations. By the time you notice a problem, your bird could be very sick indeed.

— Dr. Marty Becker and Kim Campbell Thornton


Protect pets from antifreeze

It's antifreeze season! Be sure to wipe up any spills immediately and keep containers out of reach of curious cats and dogs. Antifreeze, which is toxic to pets, has a sweet flavor, and unless you buy the kind that is treated to taste nasty, pets may lick it up. Even a small amount − as little as a teaspoon − can put them in the hospital or even kill them. Any time you suspect your pet has ingested antifreeze, get to the vet right away for treatment. Signs of toxicity include staggering, seizures, extreme thirst, excessive urination and vomiting.

Trumpet, a bloodhound, took top honors at last year's Westminster Kennel Club show.
Trumpet, a bloodhound, took top honors at last year's Westminster Kennel Club show.

Westminster dog show scheduled for May

Don't expect to see the 147th Westminster Kennel Club show televised this week. The dog show extravaganza is scheduled for May 8 and 9 this year, at the USTA Billie Jean King National Tennis Center in Flushing Meadows − Corona Park in Queens, New York City. In addition to two days of conformation showing, with more than 200 breeds competing, the WKC is celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Masters Agility Championship, which welcomes any qualifying breed or mix; the eighth annual Masters Obedience Championship; and the Junior Showmanship competition for handlers under 18. Judging best in show is Geir Flyckt-Pedersen, who in partnership with his late wife Gerd, bred more than 100 wire fox terrier champions, had best in show winners in five countries on the same day and has also owned English cocker spaniels, greyhounds, whippets, Airedales, Norfolk terriers, Lakeland terriers, smooth fox terriers and standard and giant schnauzers.

Oldest living cat is 27 years old

The world's oldest living cat is named Flossie, and she turned 27 years old in December. She received the title last November, just before her birthday. What a great present! Flossie lives with Vicki Green, who adopted her last August after her previous owner was no longer able to care for her.

Do you have a pet question? Send it to or visit Pet Connection is produced by veterinarian Dr. Marty Becker, journalist Kim Campbell Thornton, and dog trainer/behavior consultant Mikkel Becker. ©2023 Andrews McMeel Syndication

This article originally appeared on South Bend Tribune: Pet Connection: Birdie emergency? When to see the vet