What to do if bitten by tick, how to prevent them

Jun. 24—The Oklahoma Center of Poison and Drug Information shared tips on what to do if you are bitten by a tick and how to prevent ticks.

1. What kind of ticks are there in Oklahoma?

Oklahoma is home to a variety of ticks including the Lone Star, American dog and blacklegged tick.

2. Are ticks dangerous?

Ticks are capable of spreading diseases including Rocky Mountain spotted fever, ehrlichiosis, Lyme disease, tularemia and Southern tick-associated rash illness.

3. How do I prevent a tick from biting me?

Wear light colored clothes — so they'll be easier to spot. Wear long-sleeved shirts, pants and closed toes shoes. Use an insect repellent on the skin. Examine everyone frequently for ticks — the longer the tick stays attached, the greater the risk of illness.

4. How do I remove the tick?

To remove a tick, use tweezers to grasp — don't squeeze — the tick as close to the skin as possible and pull straight back. Don't crush the body of the tick because that may cause it to inject it's stomach contents into the wound. Seed ticks can be removed with lice shampoo or masking tape. Do not use bare hands.

5. What do I do after removing the tick?

Wash hands thoroughly after removing a tick. Examine the bite are for any remaining tick particles in the wound. Wash the area thoroughly with soap and mark the date of the bite on the calendar. See you physician if flu-like symptoms develop within three days to two months after the tick bite.