Bivio is back! Montclair pizzeria returns after closing in 2022

Montclair's Bivio Pizza Napoletana is reopening this weekend, with a promise from the new ownership to retain the same qualities that made it so popular in its original run.

The Pine Street restaurant announced on Instagram Tuesday night that it will hold a soft opening from 5:30 to 10 p.m. Friday and Saturday. The new owner, Davide, said he has been working with his predecessor Tomasso Colao to ensure customers will continue to enjoy authentic Neapolitan pizza at the eatery.

"Be assured that Bivio will continue using the highest quality ingredients imported from Italy and fresh local," the post read.

Bivio closed in September 2022, a move Colao called "a bittersweet decision, much like a Napoletana espresso." The owner had previously shuttered the restaurant for three months starting in October 2021, citing health issues and a recovery from minor surgery.

The pizzeria opened in 2018 and quickly became known for its lengthy list of rules, including no takeout, no slices, no groups larger than five and no alcohol served (the restaurant was BYOB). It also did not accept reservations initially, although Colao eventually instituted a policy that reserved tables for up to 90 minutes.

Bivio Pizza Napoletana in Montclair on Thursday July 25, 2019. Tomasso Colao, former co-owner of the restaurant makes a pizza.
Bivio Pizza Napoletana in Montclair on Thursday July 25, 2019. Tomasso Colao, former co-owner of the restaurant makes a pizza.

But those who did secure a seat were treated to Bivio's signature Neapolitan pizza. The pies were made using "00" flour from Naples mixed into a natural yeast culture known as "lievito madre," which Colao referred to as "my baby."

Fans of Bivio will be happy to learn that the restaurant will still use the yeast culture, which has now been around for 27 years, to create its pizza. Starting this weekend, the new owners are looking forward to restarting a Montclair favorite.

"Presently we are accepting reservations on OpenTable and are waiting for you to come and enjoy the same great flavors as you did before," the Instagram post read. It also encouraged the public to check in on the page for more updates "as we navigate our new journey."

This article originally appeared on Bivio pizza restaurant in Montclair NJ reopens with new owner