Black Christmas Trees Are The Perfect Holiday Trend For Anyone With A Cold, Black Heart

Photo credit: Treetopia
Photo credit: Treetopia

From Delish

Gone are the days of decorations of red decorations on a green Christmas tree-it's all about black Christmas trees now. Okay, so the days of fresh green pine trees aren't exactly behind us, but black Christmas trees are definitely on the rise, and it's easy to see why. They're glamorous and dramatic, yet neutral enough to go with any decor scheme.

A recent study by Treetopia found that, after the traditional green, black is the second most popular artificial tree color in five states (Arizona, Delaware, Indiana, Michigan, and Wisconsin) as well as Washington, D.C. And on top of that, if you scroll the #blackchristmastree tag on Instagram, you'll find more than 10,000 results.

Of course, black Christmas trees aren't exactly a completely new thing-they've been available to purchase for years. They're on the rise right now, though, which means you'll find more options than ever to choose from if a black Christmas tree fits into your holiday decor goals.

Christmas is quickly approaching, but there's still time to order a black tree in time to celebrate. Treetopia, Wayfair, and Amazon all have options that will arrive before the holiday. And if you've already trimmed your tree? Don't worry. There's always next year.

H/T: People

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