This Black Entrepreneur Is Behind A Toothbrush That Allows You To Simultaneously Brush And Floss

As busy humans, we all crave efficiency. An entrepreneur has created an innovative tool that kills two birds with one stone.

Corey Cooper is the CEO of Tru Floss Technology, a durable medical equipment (DME) company. Tru Floss is a toothbrush that allows you to brush and floss your teeth at the same time. Disrupting the traditional oral care space, the company aims to provide a simple, affordable way for people to have better hygiene. 

“Toss out outdated, time consuming floss threaders,” Tru Floss Technology’s website reads. “Tru Floss is ideal for cleaning and medicating interdental spaces. There are no wires to break or scratch sensitive areas which can prevent inflammation that leads to mucositis/peri-implantitis and rejection. Protect your hard work and reputation and equip your patients with stellar oral hygiene!”

Cooper’s company claims it can help professional dentist offices treat or prevent periodontal disease, protect sensitive areas and fragile dental work, and work on braces and implants. Plus, it bridges and assists in cleaning and medicating teeth.

In addition to Tru Floss, another innovative product in oral care created by a Black founder is The Big Mouth Toothbrush.

As previously reported by AfroTech, Dr. Bobbi Peterson is behind the company — making her the first Black woman orthodontist said to design a toothbrush.

The Big Mouth Toothbrush features an extra-large head and bristles that are three-times the size of those on a regular toothbrush to help people take care of their teeth and gums in both a thorough and efficient manner.

The importance of oral health is a message that Dr. Bobbi aims to push forward with her business.

“I feel as though I am a pillar in my local community when it comes to oral health care,” Dr. Bobbi told AfroTech. “We volunteer at different schools and fairs and spread the word about how important oral health care is to overall health.”
