Black Iraqis keep to traditions during Ramadan

STORY: Dressed in traditional clothes and playing folkloric tunes, a group of black Iraqis paraded through the streets of Basra’s Zubair neighborhood, surrounded by children clapping and singing along for the occasion of the Garga’een festival.

Celebrated each year during Ramadan, the Gargee’an festival is celebrated in the Gulf and has made its mark on southern Iraq as well.

"We have our own particular rites and traditions that we like to keep alive since the old days," one of the music group members, Nadel Sabri, said.

Gargee’an is celebrated every mid-Ramadan. It marks the birth of Imam Hassan, believed to be the grandson of the Prophet Mohammed.

During the festival children dress up in traditional costumes and go from door to door to collect sweets.