‘Black kids should not be getting shot like this,’ Richmond councilman says after 2 shootings in 5 days

Richmond leaders say they’re taking action after two teenagers were shot in the city in five days. The latest shooting happened Monday night near Kinsley Avenue and Sunbury Road in the city’s Southside. Officers said a 14-year-old boy had been shot and was rushed to the hospital in life-threatening condition. Bicycles could be seen scattered throughout the crime scene. Four days earlier, a 17-year-old Hugenot High School student was shot while walking toward a bus stop. He, too, was rushed to the hospital in life-threatening condition. https://www.wric.com/news/local-news/richmond/black-kids-should-not-be-getting-shot-like-this-city-leaders-furious-after-two-richmond-students-shot-in-5-days/