Black Rock opens with concerts

May 30—MONROE TOWNSHIP — Styles Haury tunes rang clear over the rural fields along Weaver Road as Black Rock Adventure Park and Campground opened with eight concerts this weekend.

Styles Haury was the second band to play on Sunday as music lovers arrived from all over northeastern Ohio, western Pennsylvania and beyond.

Country Redford, a local group, opened the day's card with a loyal group of fans who follow them all around northeastern Ohio.

"We love them. We see them at Jewell's [Dance Hall] all the time. ...We got out here at 1 p.m.," said Melanie Hammond of Ashtabula.

Nicole Smith, also of Ashtabula, said she is excited about the new music venue. "It is great to have something to do close to home," she said.

Melanie Light, co-owner of the park with Kyle Krieg, said Saturday's events started with a bit of a challenge because rain caused parking issues, but by Sunday the weather was warm and hundreds of people found their way to the venue.

Krieg said things were going well on Sunday, and the weather was perfect for their opening.

Light said 1,000 tickets for Sunday evening had been sold on Saturday, with nationally renowned Dylan Scott driving ticket sales.

Aric Anderson, also of Ashtabula and local business owner, attended the Styles Haury concert with friends who know the Medina based band well. "He has hunted with us," Anderson said of his connection to the group.

He also is excited when entrepreneurs gamble with business opportunities.

"I think it is a great venue... I am for anyone that will draw people to the area and businesses... I love anyone that will take risks, and I think it will work," he said.

Light and Krieg said they have multiple business partners that are backing them in the endeavor. The present concert site is a large temporary stage in a field where people can bring their own chairs or blankets, but there are more plans for the future.

The owners said they plan to eventually add a permanent stage to the venue. The park also has primitive and R.V. camping options, and zip lines, a pond and other improvements are planned to go with the present all-terrain vehicle trails on the property.