Black widow spiders reported in Staunton, according to this neighborhood app. What should you do?

STAUNTON — A Staunton resident took to the app NextDoor after not believing she was seeing a black widow spider near and in her apartment.

In fact it was, and it's not that abnormal.

Black widow spiders are the only venomous spider that is native to Virginia. Yes, you see brown recluse, which is also venomous, except those are not native to the commonwealth.

Jin Mi posted on NextDoor last week saying the deadly spiders were everywhere.

"I have killed at least five of these black widows inside my house and more on the outside of my front and back doors — we keep our house very clean to try to prevent these kinds of things from moving in," she posted. "Does anybody know of an inexpensive way to repel these spiders? It is terrifying considering there are kids all over the place."

The post garnered a lot of reaction from residents citing peppermint oil use to deter them, calling the resident's apartment management or even pest control.

She said they've been pretty small — about the size of her thumb.

Black widow spiders are widespread in Virginia and like dark, moist and undisturbed places, like forested areas, sheds, barns, woodpiles, under porches, inside meter boxes, basements and more, according to the Blue Ridge Poison Center.

If you're carrying firewood or working in places where black widows are known to live wear gloves and long sleeves, the poison center said. Look before placing your hands in crevices or dark areas.

A black widow spider in a shed near New Market, Va. Spiders are one of the gardeners best tools for biological pest control and also are one of the few pest predators that don’t eat plants. AP Photo/DEAN FOSDICK
A black widow spider in a shed near New Market, Va. Spiders are one of the gardeners best tools for biological pest control and also are one of the few pest predators that don’t eat plants. AP Photo/DEAN FOSDICK

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Facts about the black widow spider

According to the Blue Ridge Poison Center, only the female black widow spider will bite, and only if she feels that she or her egg sack are under attack. Her first move is to escape.

What they look like

Female black widow spiders are shiny and black all over, with a bright red or orange hourglass-shape on their underside. They can be up to 1.5 inches long and spin a messy, irregular web, the Blue Ridge Poison Center said.

Males are smaller, less brightly colored and harmless.

The bite and the symptoms 

Some say it feels like a sharp pain, similar to a bee sting. Other don't feel the bite at all.

Symptoms, which can develop within in a few hours, include:

  • Redness and swelling at the site of the bite

  • Headache

  • Sweating

  • Nausea or vomiting

  • Anxiety

  • Severe muscle pain or cramping, especially in the legs or abdomen

Symptoms may also include chest pain or difficulty breathing, but these are very rare.

Very small children and the elderly are most at risk for serious health problems.

Death from a black widow bite is extremely rare.

What to do if bitten

Black widow spider bites are very treatable.

  • Stay calm

  • Wash the bite with soap and water.

  • Call the Blue Ridge Poison Center toll free: 1-800-222-1222.

  • The poison specialists will help you decide whether you need to seek medical treatment.

Laura Peters is the trending topics reporter at The News Leader. Have a news tip on local trends or businesses? Or a good feature? You can reach reporter Laura Peters (she/her) at Follow her @peterslaura. Subscribe to The News Leader at

This article originally appeared on Staunton News Leader: Black widow spiders reported in Staunton, according to this neighborhood app