Wallet Latest to #DelistBSV

The company outright encourages people to sell their Bitcoin SV for another token, without specifying Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, or the myriad of markets that are bound to seem some outflow as a result of the recent delisting campaign by exchanges and vocal users. Image from Shutterstock.
The company outright encourages people to sell their Bitcoin SV for another token, without specifying Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, or the myriad of markets that are bound to seem some outflow as a result of the recent delisting campaign by exchanges and vocal users. Image from Shutterstock., one of the oldest non-custodial wallet services on the web, has decided to #delistBSV. While the official note on the subject offers no justification or reasoning, Blockchain CEO Peter Smith posted a few Tweets earlier today which indicate the philosophical drive for the decision:

Smith told CCN:

“We added support for close out (only) transactions (i.e. sell, send) for BSV in January and encouraged users to sell or take their BSV to another platform. We felt it was important to respond to users requests to enable access to their BSV tokens, and build a limited way to do so without a long-term commitment to BSV. “

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