These bloggers are on a mission to Instagram every 'Game of Thrones' location

It's a question that's plagued Game of Thrones fans ever since the very beginning: what the sweet hell are we supposed to do to pass the long, long months in between seasons?

Well, two fans seem to have found a solution.

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Tiia Ohman and Satu Walden are travel bloggers from Finland who run a site called Fangirl Quest — a project that involves them travelling across the world to track down filming locations of popular movies and TV shows.

Needless to say, Game of Thrones features heavily.

The thing is, there are undoubtedly a whole bunch of Game of Thrones location blogs out there. What makes Ohman and Walden's unique, though, is the style: every picture includes a tablet showing a still image from the scene in question, which melds in perfectly with the IRL background.

Ohman and Walden call this "sceneframing".

"We saw some of those historical ones where people put up photos against today's cityscapes and possibly even a couple TV show versions done with printed photos," they told Mashable. "We're not 100% certain what originally gave us the spark to try it."

We adventured to some beautiful #GameOfThrones filming locations in #Iceland! Read more: 😍

A post shared by Fangirl Quest (@fangirlquest) on Feb 12, 2017 at 8:10am PST

#GameOfThrones location in Northern Ireland: The Dark Hedges 🐲🌳👑 #filmtourism #travel

A post shared by Fangirl Quest (@fangirlquest) on Nov 21, 2016 at 11:22am PST

As well as locations from classic films like Brokeback Mountain and The Shawshank Redemption, the superfans have now visited around 20 Game of Thrones filming locations.

"We're really hoping to discover many, many more in Spain, Croatia, Malta and Morocco," they said.

"All of the locations in Iceland and Northern Ireland were amazing places to visit, but we have to choose Tollymore Forest Park in NI as our favourite one to photograph."

So how do they actually track the locations down?

"The locations for popular shows and movies are usually well documented online, since we're definitely not the only ones doing the film tourism thing," they explained. 

"Sometimes — like with the Hannibal locations in Florence — we have to be real Sherlocks about it. 

"We keep an eye on recognisable buildings and shapes, sceneries, street signs and then use things like Google street view and aerial shots to track them down."

You can read more about Ohman and Walden's Game of Thrones photo series on their website, and see more of their photos on Instagram.

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