Casey Anthony Photos Leaked Online, Lawyers Say Material 'Obtained Criminally'

Casey Anthony Photos Leaked Online, Lawyers Say Material 'Obtained Criminally' (ABC News)

New and revealing photos of Casey Anthony surfaced overnight, including one of Anthony in a crowded bar or restaurant.

The photos appeared on the website Radar Online one day after an Anthony video diary was discovered on YouTube, thrusting Anthony back in the spotlight after six months of hiding out.

Anthony, 25, had vanished from public view after being acquitted last summer of killing her 2-year-old daughter Caylee.

The photo slideshow obtained by RadarOnline includes six pictures of Anthony. In one photo, a smiling Anthony is sitting on the floor of a bedroom with half-packed bags around her and apparently admiring a new pair of boots. Four of the others appear to be self-portraits taken on a computer and the last seems to be of Anthony standing in a crowded bar or restaurant.

Anthony was famously photographed in bars during the months that her daughter was dead and she hadn't told anyone. When finally confronted about Caylee's disappearance, Anthony initially claimed that a phantom babysitter had stolen Caylee. At her trial, her lawyer said that Caylee drowned in the family pool.

Anthony sports a restyled short bob, transitioning from a brunette to a blonde in the photos and the video.

In her video diary, she spoke about her new pet dog, buying a computer and the optimism she feels about her future.

"The good thing is things are starting to look up and things are starting to change in a good way. Let's just hope they stay, that things stay good and that they only get better," she says before adding with a whisper, "They'll only get better."

Anthony's defense attorney Cheney Mason says that Anthony was not responsible for posting the video to YouTube, saying the material was mean to be private and part of counseling.

"Casey has been keeping notes and memoirs, particularly for her personal use for future counseling. This will help her remember her thought processes," Mason said in a statement. "She did not upload or publish this to YouTube. She does not know who did it. When they did it. Why they did it. It was not authorized, therefore it had to be obtained criminally by an illegal act."

Anthony's parents, George and Cindy Anthony, were also taken by surprise with the video's appearance.

"Cindy and George were made aware of the video diary of their daughter this morning, January 5, 2012," their attorney Mark Lippman said in a statement.

"They are concerned that the release of this video or any future videos could endanger their daughter," he wrote. "Cindy and George hope that Casey remains safe wherever she may be."

Cindy and George Anthony have a famously tense relationship with their daughter, a family drama that played out in public during Casey Anthony's murder trial.

The parents were divided regarding their daughter and what happened to their granddaughter Caylee.

Casey Anthony's defense attorney, Jose Baez, accused George Anthony of molesting Casey Anthony as a child and George Anthony said publicly that he was disappointed that she was acquitted. Cindy Anthony supported her daughter and was elated when she was acquitted.

In the video created Oct. 13, Anthony says, "There really hasn't been that much going on except now for this and, you know, I'm extremely excited. I'm extremely excited that I'll be able to Skype and obviously keep a video log, take some pictures and then I have something that I can finally call mine."

Anthony was acquitted last July of murder in the death of Caylee, but was convicted on four counts of lying to law enforcement for claiming that Caylee had been stolen by a babysitter. She is currently serving one year of probation in Florida for a check fraud conviction.

After being released from jail, Anthony went into hiding amid death threats from people who were shocked that she was not convicted of killing her daughter.

In the video, Anthony alternates between seeming relaxed and happy with being pensive and serious. She expresses excitement with her new video blog.

"This has just been such a blessing in so many ways and now I, in some ways, have someone to talk to when I'm by myself so I'm not bothering the poor dog who I've adopted and I love and he's as much my dog as any of the other pets I've ever had," she says.

Anthony does not mention her daughter or her parents during the video blog. She is estranged from her parents who made it clear that she cannot come home after Anthony's lawyer accused her father of molesting her as a child and helping to dispose of Caylee's body.

She must stay in Florida as she serves out her year-long probation and checks in monthly with a probation officer. There is a possibility that she could get off probation early, but she says in the video, "It's going to be a while [before] I leave."

After speaking on and off for just over four minutes, Anthony signs off, but not before suggesting that there will be more to come from her.

"So, this is the end of my first video log. I'll probably do another one later…maybe I'll bring the dog, who knows?" Anthony says. "But this is again the first of many and I'm looking forward to this. It's going to be scary because I hate being on camera, but, I don't know, I need to conquer that fear at some point…this is a good start. So, here's hoping. It's the end of the first, just the beginning."