UK Rail Issues Holiday Warning to 'Miss Office Party'

While the British are decking the halls, trimming the trees and dressing in their holiday finest, they are also getting a cheeky reminder from their national rail system to play it safe when it comes to the holidays and trains.

The Network Rail, the entity that oversees Britain's 20,000 miles of railroad tracks and infrastructure, has released a series of videos showing just what happens when one tries to dash into the train while carrying shopping bags, hauling luggage full of holiday gifts or just trying to get home in high heels, perhaps after a holiday party.

"Please plan ahead so you don't end up rushing to catch your train - falling over could be a miserable end to an enjoyable evening," Robin Gisby, Network Rail's managing director for network operations said in a statement.

One video shows a scenario that can happen whether you're wearing heels or not, the "mad dash and crash" that leaves a woman lying on the platform in a failed attempt to catch her train. A second shows a female passenger falling victim to the "reverse plank" move of being dragged up an escalator after her heel becomes stuck.

The high heel point is driven home in an accompanying poster featuring a red-haired woman clad in high heels walking up an escalator. The caption reads, "Hey, Miss Office Party…Save your best moves for negotiating the escalators in those 6 inch heels. Tis the season to travel safely."

A third video seems to be aimed at "Miss Office Party" as well, showing what happens when two partyers twirl around a pole in the station and fall, labeled as the "pole dance crash."

The Network Rail, which took control of Britain's rail infrastructure in 2002, continued the holiday cheer by releasing detailed figures on just how often people trip, slip and fall in railway stations, noting 3,000 incidents in the last 12 months.

In addition, slips, trips and falls when luggage was involved rose by 70 percent in the last seven years, according to the figures issued by the company.