Tiny Hamster Enjoys Thanksgiving Like a Real American

Tiny Hamster Enjoys Thanksgiving Like a Real American

Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and with it brings dreams of turkey and stuffing dancing in our heads. Americans love the holiday, so why should tiny little hamsters be left out of the turkey day fun? The folks at Hello Denizen solved that problem by creating a tiny Thanksgiving feast fit for a hamster, several in fact.
Hello Denizen works with animal trainers to make sure all of the food is safe for the hamsters. Also, the company is not unfamiliar with preparing tiny meals for teeny creatures. You may remember its video of a tiny hamster eating tiny burritos, which raked in a whopping 9 million views. Now it's up to you to come up with the next meal for the tiny hamsters. Tweet your suggestions using the hashtag #tinyideas to help cook up the next big little dish.