Classic phonebooth goes high tech with Skype and an iPad 2

The Language Resource Center at the Washington & Jefferson College is "a place for students to come, explore international media, communicate with the world, and speak foreign languages with each other." Students are encouraged to "use their foreign language skills in a real world setting."

Skype is an invaluable resource for such a program, since it lets students communicate with colleagues all over the world, without expensive international calling fees, and the video chat function goes even further to foster communication and collaboration.

Sometimes, however, students found themselves wishing for a bit more privacy for their Skype conversations. To solve that problem, Professor Michael Shaughnessy found a 40-year-old replica of a classic red British phone booth and retrofitted it to hold an iPad 2, which students can use to do voice and video chat via Skype with friends and colleagues all over the world. The iPad 2 is mounted on an adjustable arm to accommodate students of different heights.

No word yet on whether the Physics department is working similarly to acquire a Police Box to create their own TARDIS.

Picasa via BoingBoing

Post by Katherine Gray

[Image credit: Michael Shaughnessy]

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