Get the game for free from the Xbox Live marketplace

This August 5, NASA scientists expect to experience seven minutes of terror the moment the Mars Science Laboratory prepares for descent into the planet's atmosphere. It's the make-or-break time window for the $2.5 billion project, also called the Curiosity rover, as it lands on the surface of the red planet. NASA cannot afford any mistakes — if anything does happen, that's billions out of the agency's poorly funded pockets.

You don't have to be a NASA scientist to get a taste of the nerve-wracking landing for yourself, though. The space agency collaborated with Microsoft to produce a Kinect-based game for the Xbox 360 that lets you control Curiosity with your body. You're in charge of guiding the rover down safely in a simulation similar to the computer-animated video of the rover's landing NASA recently released. The game is available right now for free from the Xbox Live marketplace.

[via PopSci]

This article was written by Mariella Moon and originally appeared on Tecca

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