Britt McHenry vs. Advanced Towing: Which side are you on?

So by now you may have heard about/seen the Britt McHenry video where the ESPN reporter berates a tow truck company employee.

On the video, which you can see below, McHenry says some brutal stuff, like insulting the woman's weight, lack of education, number of teeth … pretty low-brow and not all that clever stuff from someone bragging about her "brain."

(Warning: obscene language in video below)

Apparently this isn't the first time she's shared a high opinion of herself while beating someone else up verbally.

Anyway, McHenry issued an apology and, as is its M.O., ESPN suspended her for a week, whatever that means.

But here's the thing: Did the tow truck company sort of deserve a takedown, albeit one with a lot less entitlement and a little more, shall we say, creativity than the one McHenry offered up?

A quick glance at Advanced Towing Arlington's Yelp page reveals a bit of a trend: apparently they lurk around area parking lots, waiting for the owners to leave, then swoop in to tow cars that are "illegally" parked for various reasons.

That's sort of what happened to McHenry, who according to various reports had her car towed from the parking lot of a Chinese restaurant. The tow truck company claims she left her car there for two hours after the place closed, making it illegally parked.

[Vote: Britt McHenry vs. Advanced Towing]

"They towed my car one minute after Golds Gym closed," one person wrote on Yelp in March.

There are a bunch of posts about people parking in store parking lots, only to return minutes later to find their cars gone.

There's even a story about the time a woman's car was towed with her dog in it.

The word "predatory" is used over and over again to describe the company. And of the 89 reviews on Yelp, 80 of them are 1 star. Not saying a tow truck company is going to be anyone's favorite, but 80 of 89?

So whose side are you on?