Adorably Funny Video of Flower Girl Falling Asleep at the Altar

Getting married is a huge step for any couple—in fact, our producer here at Trending Now has 59 days left until her big day, so we all have weddings on the brain. We know from experience that hours of careful planning and consideration go into making sure everything about the occasion is just right. But occasionally, the unexpected happens. And all you can do is whip out your camera phone to document it.

At a recent wedding in Lexington, Kentucky, one member of the wedding party, an adorable flower girl with a white poufy dress and a garland in her hair, decided that the ceremony left something to be desired. Instead of listening to the priest, she opted to take a nap right on the altar.

One of the wedding guests caught the moment on his phone. A relative burst from his seat to try and corral the little dear to no avail. Then her mom scooped her up and carried her back to a pew.

Social media is a big fan of the clip with one Twitter user saying, "Choose your flower girl…wisely." Another user was more diplomatic tweeting, "Well weddings aren't everyone's cup of tea." On the bright side, a moment like that does diffuse the tension in the room. I wonder what she was like on the dance floor.

What's the funniest thing you've ever seen happen at a wedding? Let us know on Facebook or by following us on Twitter @YahooTrending.