Dog Rescued from 700 Foot Deep Hole in South Africa

We love a good animal rescue story, but this one today is dog gone amazing. Tourists visiting the world’s largest man made hole in Kimberley South Africa spotted a dog swimming at the bottom, 700 feet below the ground!

The pooch, nicknamed ‘Underdog’ survived 8 days at the bottom of ‘The Big Hole’ which was used as a diamond mine up until 1914. During days of rescue attempts, she was kept alive by Good Samaritans who dropped food down into the hole.

On day eight and after five hours of work, she was brought to the top by the fire department and search and rescue teams. It took so long to rescue underdog because ropes were not long enough to reach her, and at first attempt, she got scared and jumped into the water. After reaching the top of the mine, underdog was taken to an animal shelter. And we are happy to report, hundreds of applicants have requested to adopt the adventurous canine. The shelter said they will go through all applicants in order to find Underdog the best home possible.