Jaw-Dropping Time-Lapse Video of 30-Story Hotel Built in 360 Hours

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Almost anywhere you go in the country, you're bound to run into construction of some kind. Whether it's on a building or a highway, it seems as if construction takes is everywhere and takes forever to complete. Well that's not the case with a new project in China. Near the Dongting Lake in the Hunan Province, a 30-story, 183,000 square foot hotel was just built in only 360 hours--and there's video to prove it! The time-lapse YouTube video is going viral with more than half a million views already. The construction of the building, coordinated by Chinese Firm, The Broad Group, used prefabricated modules mounted on a steel structure. The Broad Group's specialty is sustainable architecture. In the video, teams are seen working around the clock in shifts, not stopping even once over a 15 day period. With the process moving that quickly, many people are wondering about the quality of the building. According to The Broad Group, the hotel can withstand a 9.0 magnitude earthquake (tested by the China Academy of Building Research), making it five times more earthquake resistant than similar structures. Plus, the hotel has four-paned windows, which makes it five times more energy efficient than typical buildings. On Twitter, some people are wondering how the U.S. can compete with this kind of growth and efficiency, with one person tweeting, "let us welcome our Chinese overlords."

Next up, it's a retro-look at Facebook, sort of.

Get ready for Facebook to look older than it is. Why? There are two new Facebook profiles that are getting a lot of attention, and it's not because they're for celebrities or a politician. Instead, these newbie accounts are not for newbies at all. Joe McDonald and Leola Lewis were students at The University of Nevada in Reno--in the early 1900s. The Facebook pages are updated with photos and historically accurate statuses reflecting what life was like over a century ago. Joe and Leola, who are in a relationship, are just as busy with likes and comments as anyone in today's world. Joe, who's majoring in mechanical engineering has favorite hobbies such as boxing and hanging out with friends. Leola is interested in ranching and shopping. Plus, they try and answer any questions their modern day friends have. The accounts were created by the university's director of research collections, Donnelyn Curtis, who's using the social networking site to "help history come alive a little bit for students." Curtis is also considering having University of Nevada alumni create profile for themselves to detail their lives during college in the 50s and 60s. Curtis also hopes that her project will expand beyond just her university's campus. What a way to make history more exciting and interactive. Leola and Joe are pretty popular---each of them has more than 600 friends.