Woman Forced To Listen To Rush Limbaugh Files Lawsuit and How Too Much Texting Can Become A Pain In The Neck

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Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh is at the center of a lawsuit that was filed in Texas last week, even though he's neither the plaintiff nor the defendant.

Bridgett Nicholson Boyd filed a lawsuit against the city of Houston for being forced to listen to Limbaugh's radio show. In 2010, Boyd was ticketed for driving on the shoulder of a road (even though she said her car was breaking down). The police officer also arrested her and drove her to the local jail. During the ride, Boyd said, she was forced to listen to Limbaugh make "derogatory comments about black people" (which the officer was laughing at). Though the charges against Boyd were immediately dropped, she's now claiming defamation, false imprisonment, and intentional infliction of emotional distress. On his radio show, Limbaugh weighed in on the case. "We don't make derogatory comments about black people," he said. "We make derogatory comments about liberals." On social media, @Magginkatcalled the police action "cruel, inhumane treatment," but @OlympedeGougessays the suit is "understandable, but an overreaction."

There's tennis elbow, swimmer's ear, athlete's foot and, now, "text neck." Everyone's talking about the latest repetitive-movement-related injury, and according to chiropractors thousands of people are being treated for it. Text neck occurs when a person's neck is flexed with the shoulders bent and the back hunched for long periods of time (as people do while texting). With smartphones and iPads becoming increasingly popular, chiropractors are warning that constant neck-bending could eventually lead to headaches, arm pain, and even arthritis. To avoid text neck, doctors recommend taking regular screen breaks and rotating your shoulders when texting. You could also just stop texting and go back to talking on the phone (if you dare).

What do you think about text neck and the Rush Limbaugh lawsuit? Tell us on Facebook.com/TrendingNow or on Twitter @YahooTrending.