Bloomberg adviser accuses Warren of 'running interference' for Sanders

The Bloomberg campaign seems a little exasperated with Democratic presidential primary competitor Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), who has directed a bevy of criticism at their candidate, billionaire and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

Over the weekend, Warren was asked whether she considered the Democratic frontrunner Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) a risky candidate — a term which she has used to describe Bloomberg. Warren didn't directly respond to the question about Sanders, instead reiterating her feelings about Bloomberg, who she said has a history of hiding his taxes, harassing women, and supporting racist policies, before launching into an argument about why she's the least risky candidate.

The clip set off Bloomberg's senior adviser Tim O'Brien, who accused Warren of "smearing" Bloomberg and ignoring his track record when it comes to advocating for women's rights, while "running interference" for Sanders, who he thinks deserves more scrutiny over some writing he produced about women in the past.

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