Bloomberg in 'outstanding health': doctor

The doctor of Democratic presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg said the billionaire is quote "a 77-year-old man in outstanding health..."

That's according to a letter released by Bloomberg's campaign on Thursday.

Bloomberg is one of several candidates in their 70s seeking the Democratic nomination to take on 73-year-old U.S. President Donald Trump in November.

Former U.S. Vice President Joe Biden is 77, U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders is 78 and Senator Elizabeth Warren is 70.

The former New York City mayor takes a blood thinner for atrial fibrillation and had a stent placed in a blocked artery nearly 20 years ago, according to his doctor at John Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore.

He also had small skin cancers removed and takes medication to control his cholesterol, which according to his July exam, was at normal levels along with his blood pressure and weight.

His doctor said Bloomberg exercises regularly and is in quote "great physical shape".

Last week Warren became the first White House contender to release results of her medical exam, which showed she was in (quote) "excellent health", according to her doctor.

Sanders had a heart attack in October that required surgery and took him away from the campaign trail for two weeks.

But the health scare doesn't appear to have hurt his standing among voters.

Sanders and Biden have promised to release their own health results before the first nominating contest in Iowa on February 3rd.