Bloomberg tries to reclaim disastrous debate with video edited to make it look like he did well

Michael Bloomberg's campaign team apparently couldn't find any evidence of the former New York City mayor doing well at Wednesday night's debate — so they just made their own.

Every candidate had something to dig Bloomberg about during his Democratic debate debut, most noticeably Sen. Elizabeth Warren's (D-Mass.) repeated hits on his sexist track record. Bloomberg only managed to pull out a tiny zing when he pointed out no other candidates had started a business like he had. But unlike the video of the exchange Bloomberg's campaign posted Thursday, there weren't outright seconds of stunned silence from any candidate or crickets chirping in the audience.

The video solidifies another point Warren had made both after the debate and in a Thursday appearance on The View: that Bloomberg will likely just pour more money into campaign ads to try and make Americans forget the whole debate ever happened.

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