BPSF receives statewide honors for State of the Schools luncheon

Bartlesville Public Schools Superintendent Chuck McCauley speaks to community stakeholders during the State of the Schools Luncheon, a community engagement and fundraising event. The program, sponsored by the Bartlesville Public Schools Foundation, has been selected for a 2022 Outstanding Program Award for Oklahoma School Foundations presented by the Oklahoma Foundation for Excellence and its Oklahoma School Foundations Network.

The Bartlesville Public Schools Foundation was honored with a statewide 2022 Outstanding Program Award for its annual State of the Schools Luncheon program.

BPSF is one of three foundations throughout the state recognized for innovative programs by the Oklahoma Foundation for Excellence and its Oklahoma School Foundations Network. The foundation received a plaque and $1,000 recently during an Oklahoma City awards ceremony.

“We are honoring these programs for their creativity and the positive impact they have in supporting academic excellence in their communities,” said Elizabeth Inbody, executive director of the Oklahoma Foundation for Excellence. “In addition, we plan to share their success stories so other school foundations might emulate or adapt these programs in their own school districts.”

Just as government leaders hold State of the Union or State of the State addresses to inform citizens about goals and achievements, BPSF began hosting a State of the Schools Luncheon five years ago to educate and engage community stakeholders in their school district.

“The State of the Schools Luncheon is more than a luncheon. It is more than a fundraiser,” said Blair Ellis, BPSF executive director. “It is a community engagement and education advocacy event that the foundation hosts the week before school starts. … By partnering with our district, the foundation has grown this event to be something our attendees look forward to each year.”

The State of the Schools Luncheon is held in the Bartlesville High School Commons and features a keynote address by Superintendent Chuck McCauley, who reviews the past school year and gives an overview of the district’s priorities for the year ahead. Approximately 250 district stakeholders attended this year’s event, including business leaders, parents, school board members, educators, state and community policy makers and local college and career-tech leaders.

“We have found that by increasing our community’s awareness of all there is to be proud of in our district and of our challenges, it increases the likelihood that they will engage in our school system, offering their time and financial support, and – perhaps most importantly – serving as advocates for our district,” Ellis said.

The State of the Schools event has become one of the foundation’s largest fundraisers through ticket sales, table sponsorships and an online auction – all of which support teacher grants in the fall. A text-to-give matching challenge is hosted by the presenting sponsor. The foundation also provides information on its programs during the event and provides information to attendees on how they can volunteer and get involved in the district. One of the greatest results of the program has been the increase in community engagement, Ellis said.

“So many great partnerships have arisen from this luncheon – businesses reaching out to host high school interns after learning about our internship program; experts in fields like STEM and aeronautics who offer to come in to visit with students; and reading tutors at our elementary schools,” Ellis said.

This article originally appeared on Bartlesville Examiner-Enterprise: BPSF receives statewide honors for State of the Schools luncheon