Brad Hall: HALL THINGS CONSIDERED: The devil doesn't even have to disguise himself anymore

Mar. 17—I was recently scrolling through Facebook when I came across a post that I thought was a joke at first but was later on shocked and saddened to realize it was legitimate.

As much as I don't really want to give this any more attention than it deserves, I feel we need to know about it so we can be ready and vigilant.

There are groups that are starting to grow in numbers that are basically calling themselves "Satan Clubs."

They make no bones about it as they include little cartoon versions of the devil in their propaganda.

However, these groups aren't really promoting what you might think of if you were to imagine a "satan club." They actually appear to be ordinary afterschool clubs for our children.

They talk about organizing community service projects, games, arts and crafts, and more.

What was even more shocking was all of the likes and positive comments this particular post had received.

Nowadays, you can't even talk about sports without everyone losing their minds. But as far as I could tell, this satan club was being received with a warm welcome.

Underlying all of this though is the fine print of it being sponsored by "The Satanic Temple" and their "seven fundamental tenets."

So if you're like me, there are a few thoughts about this that immediately come to mind.

First off, it's clear that the devil doesn't even have to disguise himself anymore. He can just say, "Hey everyone, come hang out in my new satan club!"

In the past, he would at least try to be secretive when dangling sins in our faces and trying to make us feel we can't live without them.

Secondly, you may be thinking to yourself, "Oh Brad, that is probably just something silly that is only going on in big, faraway cities." And that's exactly what I thought too, but this particular one was being planned for a state that is very, very close to ours.

But last and certainly not least, we have to really think about our children and keep them constantly in our prayers.

It sounds like one of the ways they try to lure kids in is to make it seem like a fun, judgment-free environment that maybe they aren't receiving anywhere else.

We have to make sure our children know that Jesus loves them, that we love them, that they matter in this world, and that they don't have to turn to a "satan club" to feel like they belong.

It breaks my heart enough to know that there are families out there already supporting all of this. It would devastate me if a child I knew ever wanted to take part in something evil.

1 Timothy 4:1 says, "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils."

Maybe this is all a wakeup call that the Lord will be returning soon. But even if it's not, it should hopefully serve as a wakeup call to Christians regardless.

There will never be anyone or anything more powerful than our God, but we certainly cannot underestimate the evilness of the devil.

If we're not watchful and not careful, then these little "satan clubs" could just be the beginning.

We must always be spending time with the Lord to learn from Him and to carry out His will. Not only for our sakes but for the sakes of our precious children.

Brad Hall can be contacted at