Bratwurst Festival board president: Queen was dismissed after violating a direct order

Abbie Brocwell, who would be crowned Bucyrus Bratwurst Festival queen later that evening, waves during the Thursday parade at the 2021 event. Brocwell was ousted as queen on Aug. 8.
Abbie Brocwell, who would be crowned Bucyrus Bratwurst Festival queen later that evening, waves during the Thursday parade at the 2021 event. Brocwell was ousted as queen on Aug. 8.

Abigail Brocwell's contract with the Bucyrus Bratwurst Festival Board of Directors was terminated after she attended a festival luncheon in direct violation of the board's instructions, the board's president said in a letter sent to media on Tuesday.

The letter from Adam Heinlen, the board's president, was emailed to the Telegraph-Forum on Tuesday afternoon by the Cory Law Office, the festival's legal representative. It outlines the board's reasons for dismissing Brocwell as the Bratwurst Festival queen on Aug. 8, 10 days before the start of this year's festival.

Heinlen states that on Aug. 3, he attended a royalty travel meeting hosted by the royalty committee "to specifically meet with the 2021 queen, her first runner-up and her second runner-up."

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"At this meeting, the committee and I explained that the board felt the queens' actions and behaviors while at other festivals — both toward each other and other festival royalty — did not properly represent the festival and subsequently suspended their travel for the remainder of the season," Heinlen wrote. "We further clarified that their travel would be at the discretion of the board from that point forward and until a new court was crowned."

"During this meeting, the girls asked if they would be allowed to travel on their own to other festivals, and they were allowed," Heinlen continued. "However, the committee specified that they were not to attend any festival representing the Bratwurst Festival — in their dirndls, crowns or sashes — and that they were to wear regular clothing. Furthermore, they were told they were not allowed to attend any luncheons, as luncheons are events reserved exclusively for visiting royalty and are not open to the general public. Time was given to discuss the suspension and any questions, but no questions were asked, so the meeting continued with normal businesses until it came to a close. A letter outlining the suspension of their travel was also given to each girl at this meeting."

Abigail Brocwell attended luncheon on Aug. 6

On Aug. 7, he was notified that Brocwell had attended a luncheon on Aug. 6, Heinlen wrote. A meeting was set for Aug. 8 to discuss the situation with Brocwell and ask why she had done so "when she was explicitly told she was not permitted."

Brocwell told board members she had attended festivals on Aug. 4 and Aug. 5 and didn't see why her travel on Aug. 6 was a concern, Heinlen wrote.

"The board explained to Ms. Brocwell that by attending the luncheon, she interrupted the duties of another girl who had been delegated as a Bratwurst Festival representative, as directed by the board, for that luncheon," he wrote. "The board asked Ms. Brocwell if she sat with or acknowledged her fellow court members, and she stated that she did not. The board reiterated the items addressed in the Aug. 3 meeting and explained that, as stated in the letter suspending travel, her attendance of festivals on Aug. 4 and Aug. 5 were not in violation of the suspension as she asked the board before attending, attended in everyday clothes and did not attend luncheons. Her travel on Aug. 6, however, was in formal attire and was a luncheon that already had representation from the festival."

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Brocwell was asked to leave the room so board members could deliberate, Heinlen wrote, and after a 30-minute discussion, they decided to terminate her contract with the festival and revoke her title.

"In her letter to media outlets, she states that the board said 'it was a hard decision,' and it was," he wrote. "It was a very hard decision, but the board believes it to be in the best interest of the festival."

The board issued Brocwell a a letter detailing her violations and the reason her contract was being terminated, according to Heinlen. The letter had been typed prior to the meeting "in an effort to be prepared for any and all outcomes, as any board would."

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According to Heinlen, a letter from Brocwell took issue with the festival director's absence from the meeting. But the director, Kevin Myers, is not a sitting board member, "and his attendance was not required, especially as the contract is between the Bratwurst Festival Board of Directors and Ms. Brocwell.

"The contract Ms. Brocwell signed at the beginning of her reign states that she 'is a representative at all times,' and that statement speaks for itself."

Brocwell's letter "continuously states" she and other queens "have been victimized by this festival," Heinlen wrote.

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"Our festival prides itself on the relationship we oftentimes have with past royalty," he wrote, noting that the two past queens and several past court members work with the festival.

"Even this year, several past queens returned to the festival to take part in our parade, in an effort to 'Remember Old Friends,'" Heinlen wrote.

He ends his letter by saying he hopes "this coverage will not negatively impact the incoming courts crowned at this year's festival."

Assertions not included in statement to Telegraph-Forum

Heinlen's letter states "an article was recently published sensationalizing" Brocwell's dismissal, and asserts the article stemmed from a letter Brocwell released to media outlets "in an attempt to paint the festival in a bad light."

He alludes to assertions, such as Myers' absence from the meeting, not included in the one statement Brocwell released to the Telegraph-Forum, sent by email on Aug. 15. This is the complete text of that statement:

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"I would like to start off by thanking everyone who has supported me through this time and also through this past year. It means so much to me to know that so many people are standing by my side during this difficult time. When this year started out, never did I think that I would be in this situation right now, especially one week before the Bratwurst Festival starts. I traveled to 37 festivals in Ohio and attended numerous community events during my time as 2021 Bratwurst Festival Queen. I am so happy to have met all the people that I did, some of whom will stay lifelong friends to my family and I. I don’t wish this situation on anyone. No one should ever have to go through this, but I know girls before me have gone through the same thing. Even though my title has been removed as of August 8, 2022, the memories and friendships I have made this past year will never be able to be taken from me and for that I’m grateful."

She has sent no other letters to the paper. On Aug. 18, the first day of this year's festival, her mother, Angie Brocwell, shared a copy of a letter sent by the family's attorney, E. Roberta Wade, to the Cory Law Office. The letter confirmed Wade had been retained by Brocwell and her parents.


This article originally appeared on Bucyrus Telegraph-Forum: Bucyrus Bratwurst Festival board president explains queen's dismissal