Breeden: My great grandfathers were veterans

NOTE: My maternal great grandfather was Henry Kerns (1844-1914). Henry was born and raised near Hallsville, and is buried in Hallsville Cemetery. Henry was a veteran of the American Civil War joining Ross County’s Civil War Unit, the 73rd Ohio Volunteer Infantry, in October of 1861. My paternal great grandfather was John H. Breeden, raised near Danville, Virginia. John was a member of the 25th Virginia Infantry of the Confederacy. For Veteran’s Day 2022 I have decided that I would interview Henry Kerns about his life and service in the American Civil War (1861-1865). This column is part one of two.

Source Material: Hurst, H. Samuel. Journal History of the Seventy-Third Ohio Volunteer Infantry. Reprint. Ross County Historical Society. 1866.

Tom: “Good morning great grandpa, it is an overwhelming pleasure to sit down with you. You and my paternal great grandpa, John Breeden, are my heroes, both of you having served in the Civil War. Great grandpa Breeden, from Virginia, served with 25th Virginia Infantry Unit and fought at some of the same battles as your 73rd Ohio Volunteer Infantry.”

Henry: “Boy, you mean to tell me that your great grandpas were shooting at each other at the same battles? Was John at Gettysburg?”

Tom: “Great grandpa, his unit at Gettysburg was just over the hill from Cemetery Hill where the 73rd was entrenched. I sure am glad that you two didn’t kill each other although I remember you were wounded in the shoulder at Gettysburg.”

Henry: “Yeah, I caught some shrapnel from the Confederate bombardment of our position. The doctors cut it out of my shoulder a couple of days after the battle. The damn thing bothered me the rest of my life, especially during storms.”

Tom: “Grandpa, I certainly am glad you were okay. I would like to ask you some questions about your service with the 73rd.”

Henry: “Well okay, fire away, but remember it has been 161 years since I signed up and my memory might be a little rusty.”

Tom: “My first question is about your home life before signing up for the 73rd? Where were you raised?”

Henry: “Wow, that was a long time ago. Lets see, I was the son of John Kerns and was born and raised down around Mooresville and Tucson in Ross County on a small farm. We had a small Midwestern farm raising crops, a garden for food and tending all kinds of livestock; cows, pigs, sheep, chickens, turkeys, mules, and of course several horses. Hunting provided us with additional meat for our large family. I attended school for six years but had to quit to help out with the farm.”

Tom: “When did you hear about the Civil War?”

Henry: “There was a local newspaper that we got on occasion and we first realized that things were not good nationally when we read about the election of the “old rail splitter,” Abe Lincoln, and secession of South Carolina in 1860. News reporters were writing that all of the southern states might secede and war might actually break out between the states. The next year we read about the formation of the Confederacy and the first shots fired at Fort Sumter. In July of 1861 the country was shocked at defeat of Union Army at the Battle of Bull Run near Washington and Lincoln’s call for many more volunteer soldiers. It was later in the year that recruiting posters were posted in our area about the formation of the 73rd Ohio Volunteer Infantry. Recruiting stations were set up in Ross, Highland, Pickaway, Jackson, Pike, Athens, and Washington counties.”

Tom: “Why did you volunteer for army and where were you trained?”

Henry: “I guess looking back, I joined for several reasons; I was the right age and working full time on the farm did not appeal to me; I wanted a little more excitement in my life and had a chance to help my mom and dad financially with my military pay. The recruiting posters promised adventure, a chance to advance in military, and money that I had never seen before. Encampments were set up in Clarksburg, Massieville, and Hallsville. After visiting Camp Andy Johnson in Hallsville I knew I wanted to volunteer. Dad approved but it took Mom a little while and several tears to tell me to go ahead and so I returned to Camp Andy Johnson and signed up.”

Tom: “What happened after you signed up and in October of 1861 you must have been one of the first to join?”

Henry: “Yep, I was one of the first and assigned to Company A. After a hundred soldiers signed up another company was formed. I finished my processing at the Hallsville encampment and along with the others we left for training at Camp Logan located on northwest side of Chillicothe.”

Tom: “How was training at Camp Logan?”

Henry: “Holy crap, pardon my French, I never knew what hit me? Learning to be a soldier was hardest thing I have ever done in my life; I soon learned I was a lowly private expected to do whatever the officers told me to do and do it quickly and with a smile on my face! I had no idea what it would take to become a soldier but over the next few months the Army broke me. Getting up early in the morning at the sound of the bugle, getting in formation and ready for the day. I learned military formations; I learned to march; I learned military protocol and traditions and to do everything the military way. I excelled in using my rifle as my hunting background had made me a deadeye marksman. I also got used to dealing with the different backgrounds, customs, and traditions of the other men in my unit. There were some “strange” characters in the Army and I had to learn how to get along with them. Before I knew it basic training was over and I had become a full-fledged U.S. Army infantryman ready to kick the butt of the seceshs! We were sworn into the service of U.S. military on December 30, 1861 ready for our assignment.”

Tom: “Grandpa, we have been talking for several hours, why don’t we take a break and come back later to discuss the war?”

Henry: “Great idea grandson, this really, really, old bladder needs a break. I’ll be back in an hour. See you. Oh, by the way, a bottle of bourbon and a cigar would be nice to continue.”

This article originally appeared on Chillicothe Gazette: Breeden: My great grandfathers were veterans