Brian Kilmeade wonders why Biden can campaign from his house but 'not the president'

Brian Kilmeade would do well to remember President Trump and Joe Biden's houses are very much not created equal.

On Friday morning, the Fox & Friends host and his co-hosts were discussing controversy over Trump's use of the White House for his Republican National Convention acceptance speech. Critics say it was unethical for Trump to use the federal building for a political purpose, and a violation of the Hatch Act for federal employees who participated in the convention. But Kilmeade took issue with criticizing Trump while Biden campaigned from his basement, asking why "Joe Biden can do it from his house but not the president?"

Kilmeade is missing a few important facts here. For one thing, Biden didn't actually give his Democratic nomination acceptance speech from his basement. And while Trump has other properties he could've given his speech from without a problem, the home in question here actually belongs to the federal government.

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