Brick man charged with having more than 1,000 images, videos of child porn

Police news

BRICK - A Brick Township man has been charged with possessing more than 1,000 images and videos of child pornography, police said.

Brett Gerundo, 45, was charged with second-degree endangering the welfare of children, according to Brick Township Police.

Police said they received a tip that Gerundo was in possession of child pornography and, on October 2, detectives from the Brick Township Police Department and the Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office High-Tech Crimes Unit responded to Gerundo’s residence to execute a court-authorized search warrant. The search resulted in the seizure of 21 electronic devices from the residence.

Police said a forensic examination of the electronic devices led to the discovery of more than 1,000 images and videos depicting child pornography.

On November 3, Gerundo surrendered himself at Brick Township Police Headquarters where he was processed and taken to Ocean County Jail, according to police.

Jenna Calderón covers breaking news and cold cases in Monmouth and Ocean counties. Before coming to the Press, she covered The Queen City for Cincinnati Magazine in Ohio. Contact her at 330-590-3903;

This article originally appeared on Asbury Park Press: Brick NJ: Brett Gerundo charged with child porn