Britain's Labour Party names Keir Starmer leader

Britain's opposition Labour Party elected Keir Starmer as leader on Saturday (April 4).

To succeed veteran leftist Jeremy Corbyn.

And to try to unite a party riven by Brexit, allegations of anti-semitism within its ranks, and the sharp leftward turn it took under Corbyn.

Starmer is a former public prosecutor and staunch supporter of the European Union, known for his forensic attention to detail.

He pledged to hold the government to account, but also to work with it at a time of lockdown and crisis.

(SOUNDBITE) (English) LEADER OF BRITAIN'S OPPOSITION LABOUR PARTY, KEIR STARMER, SAYING:Under my leadership we will engage constructively with the Government, not opposition for opposition's sake. Not scoring party political points or making impossible demands. But with the courage to support where that's the right thing to do. But we will test the arguments that are put forward."

Starmer acknowledged the scale of the task ahead.

Boris Johnson's Conservatives are well ahead in opinion polls and have moved into traditional Labour territory in the last few weeks, ending a decade of austerity and giving state support to the health service, businesses and workers.

Starmer's decisive election, by 56 percent, is seen as an end to Corbyn's radical socialism.