Brown County commissioners tweak library funding in 2023 budget, set raises at 3%

Brown County commissioners are ready for their first public hearing on the proposed budget for 2023.

When that will be, though, has yet to be determined.

The commission has been meeting in work sessions in recent weeks during which it's heard from department supervisors about their budget requests. Tuesday's session included an overview of budget requests and final adjustments, including money for libraries in the county.

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This funding accounts for a small portion of the county's overall budget — $13,800 for 2023. But the distribution shifted when the budget was being crafted a year ago. For 2022, the library in Groton received a one-time increase from $1,000 to $6,000 to accommodate the town's new facility. To balance the overall amount spent on libraries, the amount for K.O.Lee Aberdeen Public Library was $6,000 instead of the typical $12,000. The city had requested $14,000.

This year, the county library allocations are shifting closer to what they have traditionally been. The Groton, Frederick and Warner libraries are getting $1,000 each, with $800 going to the Hecla library. The county has budgeted $10,000 for the Aberdeen library, which is less than the requested $14,000.

Commission Chairman Duane Sutton proposed $10,000 after visiting with the museum director about her budget request to the city, which is expected to be $8,000 to $10,000.

County budgets salary increase

The 2023 budget includes a 3% salary increase for county employees and a substantial increase in the county's contingency fund.

The contingency fund, which is intended for unanticipated expenses throughout the year, is often set at $250,000. It will be $750,000 for next year.

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Prior to her departure, former Auditor Cathy McNickle told commissioners she increased that fund to allow for the potential for architectural work to keep the regional jail project moving forward or to accommodate budget adjustments as a result of the county wage study, which is in the process of being completed.

During the commission's regular meeting, the board:

  • Heard briefly from Trevor Jones who represents Carbon Summit Solutions. Jones said he's available if commissioners have any questions or concerns. He said he's already talked with the sheriff and emergency manager about safety concerns.

  • Agreed to place a resolution on the Aug. 2 agenda to rescind a motion to declare a 2014 Ford Interceptor as surplus property. Chief Deputy Dave Lunzman said the equalization office is interested in using the vehicle. Lunzman also asked if a risk pool reimbursement for a damaged vehicle could be returned to the sheriff's budget through a budget transfer. The $20,000 reimbursement went to the general fund. Commissioners agreed this could be done through a budget supplement at the end of the year.

This article originally appeared on Aberdeen News: Brown County commissioners make 2023 budget adjustments