Brush fire shuts down portion of Elbow Road in Chesapeake

A brush fire shut down a portion of a Chesapeake road Monday as firefighters worked to extinguish the blaze.

According to Chesapeake Roads, a portion of Elbow Road located to the east of Graphite Trail was closed around 5:30 p.m. due to the fire. The road department did not provide an estimated time for the road’s reopening.

Lt. Shaun Williams of the Chesapeake Fire Department confirmed the fire was still active more than an hour later.

Additional details were not immediately available.

While wildfire seasons in Virginia are typically in the spring and the fall, Wakefield National Weather Service meteorologist Alec Butner said today was “pretty dry by June standards.”

“The wind was not there and the ground probably wet from recent rain, but the air was dry. Relative humidity was right around or below 20%. Dry air can enhance fire potential,” Butner said.

Caitlyn Burchett, 727-267-6059,