Bud Light Unveils New Area 51-Inspired Packaging in Honor Of The Alien Raid

Photo credit: Courtesy of Bud Light
Photo credit: Courtesy of Bud Light

From Delish

Alright, UFO nerds: Your time has come. Bring on the alien-themed beer.

In case you've been living under a rock, there's a whole "Storm Area 51" event September 20 that 1.7 million people have said they are attending on Facebook (by normal Facebook event logic, that means about....2,000 will show up, give or take) and another 1.3 million people have said they're interested in.

"We will all meet up at the Area 51 Alien Center tourist attraction and coordinate our entry. If we naruto run, we can move faster than their bullets. Lets see them aliens," the event description reads.

So as to not miss out on the alien buzz, Bud Light mocked up an Area 51-inspired special edition beer can that's black, green, and alien-covered with a "We come in peace" message at the bottom. Per a Bud Light spokesperson:

Whether you’re from this planet or another galaxy, nothing says 'welcome to our planet' like a few beers. The way we see it, there’s no better way to show these aliens ‘we come in peace’ than a few BLs. Who knows? Maybe a few beers will make this a party rather than a raid.

Now, the beer can isn't real just yet, but the brand did say if the tweet below receives 51,000 retweets, they'll make it happen. As of this post, it was at 28,400 RTs and 49,200 likes so...do with that information what you will.

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If you do go, and you make it out alive, you can get free beer, apparently. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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