These Buns Are a Tasty Way to Make 4th of July a Touch Healthier

These Buns Are a Tasty Way to Make 4th of July a Touch Healthier

Fourth of July is certainly not a time to focus on achieving optimal health, but I’m always looking for simple shortcuts to make a celebration healthier—as long as they're tasty. Enter my new favorite grilling staple: Sprouted grain buns!

Angelic Bakehouse makes all kinds of delicious and wholesome breads, wraps, crackers, and pizza crusts, and I was thrilled to discover they also make sprouted grain burger and hot dog buns, just in time for summer grilling.

I was seriously impressed by the light fluffiness of these buns. Given the nutrition (and my experience with sprouted grain breads) I expected them to be more dense. But, nope! But they're not potato buns either: They have a nice hearty taste, and they hold up well to allll the condiments and toppings you want to pile on a burger or a dog.

These sprouted grain buns are 150-160 calories per serving and pack 20% of your daily fiber needs plus 8g protein. They also come packed with 3.5g of healthy fats and will power you through a fun day of grilling and playing by the water. More importantly, they can help keep your hand out of the potato chip bag all day long, thanks to their protein-fiber combo, which will keep you fuller longer.

Looking for more healthy summer eating tips?

I encourage you to pick up a pack of Angelic Bakehouse burger and hot dog buns in your local Whole Foods, Sprouts, or Walmart Supercenter this holiday weekend. They are fluffy, nutritious, and perfect for building your ultimate burger or dog fantasy this Fourth of July (and all summer long)!