Burgess: We need peace now!

I’ve been on this earth since the late 1930s, and we’ve had a war somewhere just about the whole time. And it seems like we could have avoided most of them.

Maybe not World War II, which for us started when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor in our then colony of Hawaii. Japan of the ‘30’s and ‘40’s was an expansionist, aggressive nation, but we had forced them to join the rest of the world when we occupied Tokyo harbor in 1853. Then we took the Philippines in 1898, at the urging of Navy undersecretary Theodore Roosevelt, isolating Japan from vital resources. Ironically, T.R.’s cousin, Franklin, was President when Japan joined with Germany and Italy to challenge the Western powers.

All that attacking and colonizing for resources and power, mostly to benefit the wealthy benefactors of the Gilded Age, was called “Imperialism.” Yes, we were a part of it.

Today we call it international trade, but weapons are still a big part of it. Most of us recall the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria — which is still going on. Then there were and are the wars we’re not visibly in — though often supplying weapons or other support — such as Libya, east Africa, and Yemen.

Ukraine is getting most of the headlines today. Most Americans, of all political persuasion, are angry at Russia’s Putin for what looks, without studying the background, like naked, brutal aggression against a smaller neighbor. And most of us are not paying much attention to the ongoing wars in Syria, Yemen, and elsewhere. Part of the problem is the lack of quality news coverage by our corporate electronic media. But in Ukraine, as in most wars, there are two or more sides to the dispute. Russia claims, not without cause or evidence, that Western nations, headed by us, have continued to push our military systems and armaments into countries right on Russia’s borders — like the 30,000 NATO forces conducting “military exercises” in Norway, near Russia’s northern border, before the Ukraine invasion.

To avoid wars, FDR and his administration created the United Nations, where disputes could be discussed and hopefully settled. Sadly, except for the Korean conflict, which President Truman took to the UN, most of the big powers — including us — have ignored dialogue and chose to fight instead.

It’s time for a change. Since 1945, several nations have had nuclear weapons and the ability to destroy whole cities with a single bomb—as we did to Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Now we have climate change and the dramatic effect that’s having on world food production, clean water availability, and housing. Population itself is becoming a problem. There are twice as many people on earth as there was when I was born. Between the endless wars and the rising waters, millions of people are on the move. Population shifts, ethnocentrism, and poverty have frightened and angered people in all parts of the globe, including at our Southern border.

Republicans talk about a “right to life,” but what kind of life, with starvation, limited health care, wars, and climate disasters? Democrats have been afraid to oppose the military industrial complex for fear of being labeled “soft.” Not to mention the loss of spending on the military in their Congressional districts. Well, take a chance, and push for peace. It’s been noted that the money we spent on Middle Eastern wars alone could have sent every one of our young people of that time to college, tuition free! Shifting money from wars to education would be a good issue for any party.

That great warrior, Napoleon--son of immigrants—reportedly said, “History is written by the winners.” But if we have a nuclear war, there won’t be any winners. As to our real problems, like poverty, inequality, healthcare, pandemics, and climate crises--we can’t solve them by shooting or bombing each other. Democrats and Republicans alike should push for peace in Ukraine, not a wider war or an illusory victory.

Jack Burgess is a retired teacher of American & Global Studies, and a member of Veterans For Peace.

This article originally appeared on Chillicothe Gazette: Burgess: We need peace now!