Burlington School Board approves hiring of new BHS deans during Coen's final board meeting

The Burlington School Board on Monday approved the hiring of two new deans of students, a move the Burlington High School's principal said should allow administrators more time and resources to help with instructional learning.

In a 4-0 vote, the Burlington School Board approved the hiring of Jason Guerin and Brandon Kurovski as the new deans of students at BHS. Board member Darven Kendell abstained from the vote and board member Scott Mason and board president Joel Sieren were not present at the meeting.

The new deans will be be paid an annual salary of $75,000 and will begin serving on July 1.

Kurovski most recently taught social studies at BHS and Guerin has served as the activities director for the Northeast School District in Goose Lake since 2016.

“They both had backgrounds that made them very qualified for the position," BHS Principal Monica Myers told The Hawk Eye of Kurovski and Guerin.

The hiring is part of a shakeup in the administrative structure at BHS heading into the new school year, which has been spearheaded by Myers and incoming superintendent Robert Scott.

More: Burlington High School restructuring administration with addition of dean of students position

Previously, BHS had three associate principals, but the new structure will consist of the two new deans and two associate principals.

The tentative plan is to have one associate principal and one dean assigned to two grade levels, with the deans focused on student disciplinary issues and the associate principals focused on assisting teaching staff with curriculum.

Myers noted that BHS had a similar administrative structure in 2003, when the high school had a lead principal, two associate principals, a dean of students and a student services director.

Myers said the move has nothing to do with disciplinary concerns at the high school, but rather as a way to help deliver more instructional aide to the classrooms when necessary.

"Now there’s a large emphasis on instructional leadership and this will allow the associate principals and myself time to do instructional walk-throughs throughout the building and in classrooms, meeting more directly with the teachers," Myers said. “It just helps having that extra body, so there’s more of an emphasis on being an instructional leader.”

Additionally, BHS also will hire new associate principals to begin serving during the new school year.

More: Monica Myers appointed as new principal of Burlington High School

Current BHS associate principal Justin Galbraith recently submitted his resignation notice and will be leaving the district after two years at the high school. The other two current associate principals, Alec Clark and Wesley White, are transferring to different positions within the district.

Clark will be taking over as principal at North Hill Elementary School, following the resignation of current principal Mark Taylor. And White will take over as principal of Grimes Elementary School, following the resignation of current principal Karinda Wahls.

According to Greg Reynolds, business manager for the district, the salary amount that the two new associate principals are expected to earn has yet to be determined.

Myers said the district expects to fill the positions soon and could announce the new hires as soon as the next school board meeting on July 18.

She expressed enthusiasm for the new structure.

“We look forward to working with this new format," Myers said. "I think it’s going to be very positive in many aspects.”

More: West Burlington School Board approves hiring of a former BHS principal for new position

'I'm out': Superintendent Pat Coen leaves final school board meeting

The board bid a fond farewell to outgoing superintendent Pat Coen, who was attending his final board meeting.

"The vision of the Burlington Community School District is to strive to have a profoundly positive impact on our students' adult quality of life," board member Deborah Hatteburg said. "You have lived that vision for the past eight years, not only for our students, but also for our community."

More: 'So many opportunities to make a difference': Pat Coen reflects on 8 years as Burlington superintendent

Hatteburg went on to present Coen with a shadow box on behalf of the board containing impact coins as a token of appreciation for Coen's service.

Coen attempted to make a swift exit before he was stopped by Kendell.

"Dude, you've got a heart," Kendell said. "Over the years, there's so many things that you've done and so many ways you've reached out to individual students and showed your compassion and love for staff, and that's a remarkable trait. And for somebody who had a distinguished military career and then comes into education and gives so much of your heart and soul, I personally can't thank you enough ... I also appreciate the sacrifices that you have made and your family has made for you to be such an effective educator and superintendent over the years."

More: 'The human cost': Afghanistan War veteran Pat Coen reflects on the cost of war

Coen thanked Kendell before leaving with a few parting words: "I'm out...before this gets any more awkward."

And with that, he made his final exit from a meeting of the Burlington School Board — at least as a superintendent. His plans for retirement remain undecided.

Brad Vidmar covers public safety and education for The Hawk Eye and can be reached via email at BVidmar@gannett.com.

This article originally appeared on The Hawk Eye: Burlington School Board approves new dean of students hires at BHS