Burner email accounts will save your disaster of an inbox


Email is a pain. 

Yet, despite that most obvious of truths, it's almost impossible to use the internet without an email account. Or, realistically, several accounts. You need one for work, one for your personal life, and at least one for all the garbage "confirmation email" signups that most sites now require. But there's a trick — something those in the know have been doing for years — to make your time online less of a depressing slog of clicks and spam: burner emails. 

Unlike a straight up fake email address (hello bonglover420@highlife69.biz) that you made up on the spot while filling out an online form, a burner email is a real account that you can actually check. It has the benefit, however, of not being explicitly tied to your name or other online accounts. In addition, it has the clutch aspect of keeping that aforementioned spam as far away from your real inbox as possible.  Read more...

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