Do you take the bus in Kansas City? The Star wants to hear about your ride

Our city’s free public transit system has been celebrated nationally, but those of you who ride the buses every day know it best. You know what’s working well and making your life easier, and what’s maybe not.

The Star wants to hear from you to help us tell a fuller story about how the bus system is serving Kansas City riders.

When Kansas City launched its Zero Fare KC program, bus fare became free for everyone. The program has boosted ridership and has eliminated costs for families who could use that cash for things like food and housing. But we’ve also heard from some everyday riders who rely on the bus to get around that route changes and long wait times can make it hard to get to work and appointments.

Fill out the survey below and tell The Star more about your experiences, and what changes or improvements you would like to see from Ride KC to be more helpful to you and your family.

A reporter may follow up with you, but we promise to not publish any personally identifying information without reaching out to you and getting your permission first.