Business owners demand city leaders do more over protests, looting

Business owners across the Sacramento area are asking for police and city leaders to do more to protect them from protests and looters. Owners of Pucci’s Pharmacy say they were looted for two days in a row, and surveillance video shows 10 teenagers breaking in and vandalizing the store. “We need help the city needs to recover from this. And we can't recover without order. They need to be present. People ended to be home. There needs to be a curfew, there needs to be military, police presence on the street,” said Clint Hopkins with Pucci’s Pharmacy. Several stores in Old Sacramento were also targets of looting. “You think it’s going to be easy to put it back together? This is 30 years of my tears, sweat and blood. This store. I've been in this location for 30 years. I've spent my life here building this thing,” said business owner Rukhsana Haq. Get the full story in the video above.