Nov. 30—LAURINBURG — Deondra Dix doesn't like big Black Friday crowds, so she did her shopping online at Belk and picked it up at the Scotland Crossing location Friday morning. Walking to her car after getting her curbside pick up, Dix said she only has one more gift to pick up.

"I did most of my shopping before Black Friday because I'm in a coupon group and when I see deals, I just go get them," she said.

In downtown, at Scotland Bling on Southy Main Street, Becky Byrd, a Laurinburg native who lives in Moore County now, said there's something special about coming back home and shopping local.

"I think Laurinburg has done a great job of renovating downtown. It means so much to come downtown and walk down memory lane. I really enjoy coming to Scotland Bling because they do offer a great variety and uniqueness," she said as she browsed through the sale items in the shop.

Belinda English, owner of Scotland Bling, and her husband Chris said they didn't open early like the big box stores do for Black Friday sales.

"Traditionally we notice people go do the big-time Black Friday shopping where they get up early and they usually come see us after they visit the big box stores," Chris English said.

At Weknd Warrior Trade Co., another downtown business, Black Friday and Small Business Saturday falls on their fifth-anniversary celebration.

Harley Locklear, the owner, said Black Friday was steady all morning and before noon, his business had surpassed last year's sales.

"Last year, with COVID, it brought small businesses to the limelight. Everybody is wary about small businesses sticking around. Last year really helped to bring that exposure," he said.

And Locklear added that once customers saw what local businesses had to offer, they continued to shop there.

"It's more of a personal level when you walk into a small business, especially when it's somewhere in your hometown. And it's like 'I should've been shopping here, I don't know what my problem is,'" he said.

Loyalty is one thing that local businesses value and attribute to their success.

Harley Norris, owner of Harley's Tuxedo & Gifts, said they are grateful for everyone who comes into the shop this weekend, but these aren't the biggest days for the shop.

"Who we see [Black Friday] are our friends from years back who are visiting their friends and family for the holidays," Norris said. "And they'll drop in downtown and support downtown because they were born and raised here. So, we're happy for that. We never try to compete with the shopping madness that goes on in the mall and stuff like that."

But just like many of the downtown businesses open today, Harley's was steady as well. He said since opening at 10 a.m., customers have been flowing in.

"Steady wins the race," Norris said.

Cheris Hodges can be reached at chodges@laurinburgexchange.com.